The Institute will pay fees according to the contract of engagement enclosed herewith. 我校将按照所附合同条款支付酬金。
The legislation does not specify the nature of the contract of engagement. 教师聘任合同究竟是属于行政合同还是劳动合同,由于立法并未给予明确规定,因此在学界一直争论不休。
In traditional theory of contract law, the creation of contractual obligation is according to regulation by law and engagement by the parties, except which there is no any obligation or liability between the parties. 传统的合同法理论认为,合同关系中义务产生的依据是法律规定与合同约定,除此之外,当事人之间没有任何权利义务关系,彼此不承担违约责任。
And many studies have shown that psychological contract of knowledge workers in the enterprise through employees 'organizational commitment or other factors to influence their engagement. 而诸多研究表明,企业中知识型员工的心理契约会通过员工的组织承诺以及其他因素来影响其敬业度。